OST to Postbox Converter
Convert OST to Postbox (Mails), *.VCF (Contacts), *.ICS (Calendars)
Available for both Mac & Windows OS
Super easy to use, Wizard based ost to postbox converter for Mac and Windows OS.
It is safe to use. Bug and error free data conversion from OST to Postbox Database.
Quick and super fast performance, convert any size of data within few minutes.
Accuracy of conversion from OST to Postbox Mails, Contacts, Calendars and other items.
OST Extractor Pro is a Mac & Windows tool for converting data from OST file to Postbox, Apple Mail, PST (for Windows & Mac Outlook), Mozilla Thunderbird, EML and MBOX data file formats.
OST to Postbox Converter
Laden With Efficient Features, Friendly Interface, and Data Accuracy!
Any email migration job requires sophisticated tools to convert data without losing the integrity.
OST to Postbox conversion can one of the hardest of all email migration tasks. That could be vexing even for the experienced IT professionals. One of the most obvious reasons for why tools built for this task don’t work so well is the difference in OST files and Postbox files.
The task requires extraction of email data across two highly contrasting and contradicting data formats. That works on two highly different operating systems (Windows and Mac).
To correctly migrate data from OST files to Postbox requires a meticulously developed application with a precise and dedicated framework of algorithms. Email data can be rather composite, comprising of a labyrinth of complex items. This is making it challenging for the tools to process all that information cleanly. On top of that, lack of other common features for any category of software solution. Such as interface, tech support, flexibility, etc., make the process even lengthier and can draw out even the experts.
OST Extractor Pro (Mac and Windows)
It is the only OST to Postbox converter that delivers everything one needs to make it a successful email migration job, with the help of advanced features, precise algorithms, dedicated tech support, friendly UI, compatibility with both Mac and Windows OS, and more. Built by USL Software, it will leave behind the seemingly unsolvable problems and complications involved in this task.
The tool discusses in this post below revises and completely overhauls this part of computer related tasks that otherwise has been left stagnant with ineffective solutions.
It is “OST Extractor Pro” (rightly so). Find out how it works, why it holds up even in the face of massive database conversion, and why experts laud its efficacy.
Ultimate OST to Postbox Converter
The only tool, OST Extractor Pro works on both Windows and Macintosh Operating System.
Available for both Mac and Windows
“OST Extractor Pro” is available on both popular operating systems, where any generic OST file conversion tool works only on Windows. This compatibility for both OS instantly makes it a powerful OST to Postbox converter, especially if you are a Mac user. As Postbox is a Mac & Windows based email program, you are going to see immediate benefits of using a Mac based converter that are not possible if you try the conversion in a Windows environment.
Interface Built for non-experienced users
A large segment of OST to Postbox converter strive for advanced features and powerful algorithms, which is of course something an application should strive for. However, most of them gets wrapped up in functionality and end up with horrible, user-hostile interfaces. The result of which is an inefficient way of converting files, where users have problem with poorly built UIs.
Batch Conversion
Batch conversion simply means converting files all at once, instead of converting each file individually. Given the complex nature of the task. Most OST to Postbox converter either don’t allow batch conversion. If they do, it can be disastrous in terms of data integrity to perform conversion in bulk. “OST Extractor Pro,” on the other hand, holds sophisticated algorithms. That can handle massive database conversions all at once without compromising with the integrity or any other performance related aspects.
Sharpened Algorithms for Data Accuracy
If you want to convert each and every element from OST to Postbox files, generic set of algorithms to process data just don’t get it. USL Software has the most accurate and powerful framework of algorithms and processing logic to deal with every complexity of email files to deliver clean conversion. This involves converting items like images, attachments, metadata and headers, nested emails, email addresses, MIME defined content, text formatting, HTML formatting, hyperlinks, and much more without losing the details.
Keeping your Folders Configuration in Check
Without managing the emails in folders, it can get pretty tough to find emails or to make sense of the database. Especially for users with a high amount of emails receive per day. These folders help arrange the data and get access of emails whenever required much easier and productive. Losing the entire structure or the configuration of how your folders are arranged can be disastrous. “OST Extractor Pro” is the only OST to Postbox converter that maps the information of folders location and arrangement with sharpened accuracy. You will find your folders in exact formation as the original.
Maintaining Unicode Content Conversion Correctly!
It’s challenging to protect the text that are encoded using Unicode standard. This includes DBCS (double-byte characters), UTF-8, UTF-16, and other such standards. This essentially means that “OST Extractor Pro” can convert all your emails regardless of which language text they contain. Most notably, it delivers full precision over the conversion of highly tricky languages. The languages are such as Chinese and Japanese because they contain double-byte characters.
Support OST files from anywhere!
OST files are Windows Outlook native data files to store data. This is in a similar way as an offline exchanged copy of mailboxes. They are allowing users to work with their emails even offline. But majority of OST to Postbox converter can cause a lot of annoyance. They are not properly converting OST files from older Outlook versions, exchange accounts including ActiveSync, Office 365, or such sources. As there are tiny differences in OST files from all such versions. However, “OST Extractor Pro” is built with full support for processing any kind of Outlook OST file regardless of where they come from.
Other Features
“OST Extractor Pro” is a well-developed tool for converting OST to Postbox, however, it can do a whole lot more. It was designed to offer complete solution for converting OST files to other popular email formats, including PST, Mac Mail, Postbox, Thunderbird Mails, MBOX & EML.
Free Trial – Give “OST Extractor Pro” a shot now!
The good news is that you don’t have to purchase the license to try it out. The free demo version allows you to see its features and interface up close and evaluate its performance personally.
After that, you can easily activate it to full version through any of several licenses or pricing packages.